Wednesday 25 May 2011

peer reveiw for the work of samantha
There is difference between formal and informal design, formal design is composed in a balanced and proportional way and the rhythm in a formal design should show a consistent shapes and colours. Formal design could include variety to make the design more interesting. I have gone through Samantha’s work  and I suggest that the rubbish fonts is consistent in colour and design it doesn’t include much variety the arrangement of the elements is balanced but I don’t see much contrast between the piece the fonts are creative and simple that goes with the concept she has. I suggest adding more variety makes it more interesting. Overall the elements that made the font are composed well. In “a line is a dot that went for a walk” I see good contrast the colours conflict well with one another, it is simple and clear and I like the work. The Cd cover has a good creative picture that communicates with young people mostly. It gives a hidden and scared feeling. There is balance and proportion with variety of shapes and dark colour. Over all measuring all the works I suggest:

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