Thursday 5 May 2011


For my social issue work  I choose to do on the topic peace. peace is the basic need of human inner part. Every individual desires to live in an environment of peace. However in this world there are human conflicts that disturb the peace of humanity. Peace is necessary not only for an individual but also for a community and a nation. with out peace there is no secured life and no satisfaction for human emotions. Fear and worry rises as the level of peace is reduced with different reasons such as war, hunger and violence.In my work I tried to explore that the origin of peace is in the heart which is the inner part of human. If the peace of an individual is secured then the individual influences and veiws things in a peaceful way but If the peace of an individual is disturbed then the persons contribution to the community will be fear and worry. On the other hand a persons peace may be influenced through media, self image, knowledge and culture and so many more elements with in the community. The peace of the community is then formed as individuals contribute what they have to the outside world. The community then develops the environment and the next generation recieves either peaceful culture or disturbed I reflect how peace starts in a person's life and spreads to the community.

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