Saturday 12 March 2011


Rubbish : is a word that describes the things which are unwanted. With the fonts I made my audiences will be most part of the society who are can categories the products I use as a rubbish except kids cause mostly adults will take care for them, especially mums who spent time in the kitchen will understand the idea of rubbish as they deal with this kind of rubbish often or teens who mostly purchase the products like biscuit and chewy will get the idea as they see the covers for the products.
Is something that as a human nature we doesn’t want it to be part of us. It is an equipment or an item that was once useful but after it is used it is going to be removed or cleaned. Sometimes our human nature teaches us to use what we want out of things and call the part that we don’t like or use rubbish. For example if a person buys a biscuit and eat all the biscuit cause that’s what he need then he throw away the biscuit cover and call it rubbish. It might be a plate that is used for dinner and after the dinner is over the plate should be washed cause our mind thinks the left over in the plate is rubbish. It doesn’t give a person pleasure to live with and we don’t want in our sight. It is also part of science that is whispered in to educated people’s mind as a disease causing agent and so, it must be removed from our surrounding.

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